Schedule a training

On line Training:

Contact us for details of your needs and we will provide you with a bid.  The replication training options are described below but prices will vary with the training schedule required and in most cases will be an average of $1000 less than onsite training.  Onsite training is still recommended whenever possible.

 Onsite training:

Replication Options:

A 20-hour replication training for up to 35 participants is $5,500 plus one trainer's travel expenses. One set of manuals is included. Replication trainings are required for :

 *DARE to be You for preschool families 

 *Bridges program for families (with children  K-2nd grade)     with teachers

*Care to Wait for middle school families

Other Curriculum Options

Non Replication training of 15 hours for up to 35 participants is $3,500 plus one trainer's travel expenses. This training is designed for community building, implementation of K-12 curriculum for school/after-school, peer educators (high school), or strong extended family programs. Manuals can be purchased separately based on individual community needs.

Community, School/After-School,

 Peer Educator, or

 Strong Extended Families training

Open Trainings.

DTBY holds one-two open replication trainings per year in Colorado.  Check this website for dates, locations and costs or call 970-222-9649.

DTBY will also work with site sponsors to include persons who would like to be trained from other sites.

Onward Foundation, 33 N. Chestnut, Cortez, CO.
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